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Comprehensive hormone testing from your bedroom, not the exam room. 

"Saliva assessments are not only sensitive and accurate but are also outstanding in reliability for measuring free, bioavailable hormones levels."


5 Simple Steps To Get Your Swag Back

#1. Order sylvie test kit.

A physician will review your request and order the test. The saliva test kit and symptom assessment tool will be mailed right to your door.

#2 Complete the kit and send it in. 

Collect your saliva sample using easy to follow instructions and complete the self assessment. Then just drop the test in the pre-paid mail envelope. 

#3. Get lab results and review.

A CLIA accredited laboratory runs the test and delivers physician-reviewed results.  Then you'll be sent a link to schedule your complimentary review with a member of our medical team.

#4 Approve your personal plan.

Once our team receives your results, we'll develop a plan specifically for you. It's important you understand what your results are and review potential options.

#5. Products ship to your door.

Your products (including any prescriptions) will be shipped directly to your door. Stay in your pj's--that's exactly how we think It should be. 



Worry-free guarantee!

Saliva assessments are proven to be accurate and reliable.

Don't worry-- all our processes are HIPAA compliant. We don't mess around with your privacy. 



The entire process, from test to treatment plan will be completed without leaving your home. 

What's tested

Why Hormones?

Hormones orchestrate every function in the human body. Hormone imbalance contributes to every symptom imaginable--from migraines, insomnia and weight gain to anxiety, mood swings and fatigue. In short, your hormones are connected to how you feel every single day. When you find your balance, you'll feel your best. We focus on the hormones that impact you the most.


Estradiol is the primary estrogen hormone in the body and essential for overall health. Symptoms of imbalanced estradiol can include: - Irregular or heavy menstrual periods - Mood swings, anxiety, or irritability - Weight gain, particularly in the hips and thighs - Decreased libido (sex drive) - Fatigue or low energy levels - Brain fog or difficulty concentrating - Headaches or migraines​ - Hot flashes or night sweats - Vaginal dryness - Dry skin or hair


Progesterone plays a crucial role in regulating the menstrual cycle and supporting pregnancy. Symtoms of Progesterone can include: - Difficulty getting pregnant or maintaining pregnancy (recurring miscarriages) - Fatigue or low energy - ​Insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns - Decreased libido (sex drive) - Headaches or migraines - Weight gain or bloating - Mood swings, irritability, or increased anxiety - Changes in appetite or food cravings - Acne or oily skin - Breast tenderness or swelling


Cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands and plays a crucial role in the body's stress response and regulation of several physiological processes. Symptoms of imbalanced cortisol can include: - Irregular blood pressure - Dizziness or lightheadedness - Erratic food cravings - Nausea or vomiting - Abdominal pain or digestive issues - Irregular blood sugar - Weight gain, especially in the abdominal area (central obesity) - Impaired immune system function - Sleep disturbances or insomnia - Cognitive difficulties, poor memory and concentration


Testosterone plays a crucial role in many aspects of health, including reproductive function, muscle mass and strength, bone density, and mood regulation. Symptoms of Testosterone imbalance can include: - Decreased libido (sex drive) - Fatigue or low energy levels - Reduced muscle mass or strength - Increased body fat - Loss of body hair - Mood changes, such as irritability, depression, or decreased motivation - Sleep disturbances or insomnia - Difficulty concentrating or memory problems - Excessive hair growth, particularly on the face, chest, or back - Acne or oily skin


DHEA serves as a precursor to other hormones, including testosterone and estrogen, and plays a role in several physiological processes. Symptoms of imbalanced DHEA can include - Fatigue or low energy levels - Joint pain or stiffness - Weight gain, especially around the abdomen - Memory problems or difficulty concentrating - Dry skin or hair - Sleep disturbances or insomnia - Facial hair growth in women (hirsutism) - Irregular menstrual periods in women - Mood swings or increased irritability - Aggression or heightened aggression


Physician Reviewed Report 

Our detailed results show you your hormone levels and what they mean for your goals and overall health.
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What Women Are Saying

Image by alex starnes

Ashlie Mullin

“I have multiple health issues and my hormones seemed to fall to the bottom of the list for my provider's priorities. I'm so glad I took matters into my own hands and got checked! My consult was so informative. I can't believe my hormones were overlooked for so long. My treatment plan has changed my life." 


Image by Michael Dam

Rebeka Ivie

“Once I saw the results, my symptoms made so much sense! Now I can actually do something about them. I love this so much. Bonus that I didn't have to take the kids to a doctors appointment to get the help I needed!"

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Kathy Cowan

“Being tired and cranky all the time is just not who I wanted to be, and I didn’t want to depend on coffee or soda every day to keep my energy up. Having a specialist show me why I felt that way was a game-changer. I have more energy than ever. I can't believe It was this easy to get help with something I've struggled with for so long.”



You're in good hands

Physician ordered and reviewed
Once you order your test, a physician approves your kit and your results. 
Developed by experts
Our team of physicians, pharmacists, and hormone specialists have 30 years of experience helping women balance their hormones.
CLIA accredited laboratory
All tests are conducted in a CLIA Certified lab.

Cost Comparison

Why haven’t you heard of this test at your doctors office? Hormone tests are typically not covered by insurance, and we believe that's a shame. Our team of specialists have been diagnosing and balancing hormones for over 35 years. These standard tests and treatments can cost upwards of $900 dollars at a doctor's office, and rarely have the expertise  to proceed. The Sylvie kit is the most affordable and accessible way to get an accurate and current evaluation on where your hormones levels are now.
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